2: Arrival


Welcome to a new star system, spaceman.


Schulz, what a kidder!  But I digress.  The mission starts out easily enough with the simple task of scanning some structures, though it only seems to be necessary to finish scanning the first structure.  Soon, you'll find yourself with more pressing concerns.  You might want to make things easier by sniping one of these Hadean ships on your way to the second structure.


Then, you and your wingmen can easily mop up the second ship.  (They sure look pretty when they blow up.)


Check out these ancient ruins.  Very nice.


You may want to buy yourself some time and send your wingmen back to the drop ships to hang out for a bit, while you go and explore what lies between your landing site and the sites where the survivors from the crashed drop ships wait to be rescued.  Expect to run into some resistance, but don't worry about fighting your way through to the crash sites yet.  At some point, you'll be given command of a couple of turrets and three service trucks to help your efforts.  Break off from your exploration and skirmishing, at that point, and head back to the drop ships to set up these units.  I like to move the two turrets out to where they cover the end of the nearby Hadean patrol route.  This way they can keep the area between drop ships and the second ruins that you were ordered to scan relatively clear of Hadeans.  Have two of the service trucks cover these two turrets, while the third service truck waits back at the nav where you are to bring the rescued survivors.


Now, again leaving your wingmen behind, head out to clear a path to the nearest crash site.  You'll need to clear out some turrets that have moved in to place.


You may not see the third turret right away, heheh.


After you have cleared out the turrets and a Hadean patrol ship, you'll find the nearest crash site and group of survivors.


Head back to the drop ships, round up your wingmen, and have them follow you back to the crash site, where they can pick up the survivors.


You may run into some light opposition along the way, either going or coming, but you can have the one wingman who does not have a survivor help you deal with the Hadeans, while you make sure that the other ships continue on to the drop ships.  You can get away with losing one survivor of the ten total, but if you lose two survivors, you lose the mission.  You probably want to try to keep everyone fairly close together on the way back.

Be prepared for the Hadeans to throw some heavier units at you after the first batch of survivors reaches safety.


I went through the exercise of scouting and clearing out the route to the second crash site, before returning for my wingmen to accompany me to the second crash site, though that doesn't seem to be necessary.  Just make sure the Zeuses, shown above, have been dealt with.

Then, head out to load up the last five survivors.


Again, don't be surprised if you run into some resistance.


But soon you'll be heading back, mission accomplished.


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