Mission 16: The Emperor's New Claws


The Hadeans arrive to investigate your crashed drop ship soon after you land, so be prepared to fight off their welcoming committee.  Once you get your recycler safely to the base site, you'll need to prepare what defenses you can in a hurry, because they continue to probe your base for weaknesses.

A line of turrets will be sufficient to start with, buying you time to hunt for some biometal pools and start building up a base.

From there you can progress onto some gun towers, which should seal off the attack route into your base which the Hadeans have been using.

In the meanwhile, you'll be ordered to break off from your base development and go investigate what the Hadeans are up to, and it doesn't look like it's anything very good for our side.

It's time to get busy finishing your base and building up an assault force. In the meanwhile, you've got a new source of concern, since the Nexus produces it's own attack craft.

One of your wells will likely become a favorite target of this thing.

Turrets won't be able to handle this monster; so, you probably should send a couple of assault tanks over to help out.

If you place a couple of  gun towers closer to the Nexus, to intercept the attackers, expect them to become the primary focus of all subsequent Typhons and Claws generated by the Nexus.  These gun towers by themselves won't last long.  You'll need to reinforce them with some treaded tanks and perhaps some turrets.

By now, you should be dug in well enough to build up your assault force and go on the attack.  My recommendation is to seek out the Hadean base and destroy it, first.  If you take the long way around, you can avoid the Hadean patrols.

Hornet equipped rocket tanks are great for taking out the Hadean Defender gun towers, but you may find it necessary to distract these towers a bit.  The Hadean base is surrounded by an embankment, requiring your forces to approach relatively close before they can open fire.

You'll have to take out those builders, too; or, they'll quickly rebuild what you've just taken down.

Nothing like a good furball of weapon fire and explosions.

Once you have taken out the Hadean base, it's time to lay your trap for the Nexus.  The underground hanger that the Nexus emerged from turns out to be a giant repair bay for it.  Every time that you try to attack the Nexus, it will retreat back to this point and repair itself, once it has taken a certain amount of damage.  You'll need to concentrate enough fire power around the repair bay to overcome it's restorative effect on the Nexus.  Clear out the remaining Hadean patrols, and bring in a constructor.

Once you have your trap set, take your Sabers, and maybe those assault tanks that are in the vicinity, and go give the Nexus a hard time.  Man, that sucker is big!

Now, you've got it!

Congratulations!  The world can rest easy, once again.  Or can it?



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