Mission 18A: Biometal Meltdown


In this mission, you continue making your rounds of the different forces allied against the Imperial Hadeans and the Cerberi.  You will be given command of a modified Scion recycler, but you are limited to constructing units that this recycler can manufacture.  Turrets and healers will be your main stays for this mission, which will require patience and steady determination.

After the Sciwizard has put the recycler back online, you'll need to free up a nearby well, so you can deploy a scavenger there.  Although there will be plenty of scrap generated from the constant attacks, you'll need the extra scrap storage to afford most of the recycler's production line.

Be prepared to fend off attackers from the moment that you arrive.

Once you have a few turrets up, you can follow through on your orders to investigate the Cerberi biometal field.

Don't be surprised to find yourself harassed all the way back to base for your trouble.

Now, begins the slow but steady process of trying to take control of critical areas of the map, using your turret forces reinforced with healers.  Start by firmly securing your recycler and it's nearby well.

In addition to the initial waves of Xares, be prepared for the Cerberi to throw some of their heavy assault units your way.

Trying to toast a Siren, before it can get off a few rounds of mini-comets, is about as much fun as handling a cobra.  The Siren's shields react to your plasma stream with a blinding effect, which makes this little dance all the more dangerous.  If you're in too close you can't see much of anything.

Don't forget to cover the route to your well.

Basically, you need to patiently build up a large number of turrets and healers, before you try to take control of one of the other secondary biometal pools, which you must capture and hold.

You'll find that the Cerberi do not take kindly to your efforts and will concentrate considerable fire power in their counter-attacks against you; thus, the need to have plenty of units on hand for the job.  You might find the western-most pool a good one to start with.  

Keep your eye out for an underground complex, which has some supplies that you can make use of, and note the small service bay on the ceiling, which may come in handy late in the mission.

Once you finally have a full complement of turrets and healers in place at the captured well, and no longer are need to replace units after every attack, you can start building up a similar force to take on the next well.  The eastern-most well is the most likely target, but be prepared to have your hands full trying to hold onto this well.  Not only will it be attacked by Xares tanks, but the Cerberi will also throw their Sirens and Draths against it, too.

You now should have three wells secured and one to go.  Again, patiently build up a substantial force before trying to capture the southern-most well.  Once again, the Imperialist forces strike back with force, but if you are prepared and let your turrets do their job, you can chop that big tree down.

Even so, a constant flow of Xares must also be dealt with.

Once you have built up the full supply of scrap needed, you'll be directed to a submerged tunnel system and bunker to investigate.  Pick up the available items, and take a look at what's on the wall.

As you head out in search of the experimental craft, you'll realize that your base and your wells are coming under renewed and very heavy attacks.  You can try pulling your forces back to defend your recycler, but don't be surprised when you are admonished for taking too long to search for the "Bee".

Although your forces may very well all be lost, the main thing is to keep yourself alive and make it to your destination healthy.  Your immediate concern is how to deal with the giant worms that have taken over the experimental complex.

Check out your pilot's arsenal and come up with a way to get off a few rounds of the "skip" weapon, while strafing from behind one wall to another.

This is where you need to be.  But, why are you carrying those bag pipes?

Escort the Scion Dropship to the Cerberi biometal field, intercepting the flying talons and any other Cerberi units that attempt to destroy it.

Ah, well done!



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